Is life coaching becoming less of a luxury and more of a necessity?
People are facing completely new challenges these days that they feel unprepared to solve independently.
In 2021, many of us are experiencing unprecedented anxiety caused by health issues and/or economic hardship. During these times, it is a natural response to scale down the purchase of luxury items, simply due to the unknown. However, we should all acknowledge that dedication to one’s own resilience during a challenging period is worth an investment.
People often think coaching is a luxury, but then do not find the support they need to shift into a life that is inspired and healthy. A coach is an accountability partner and a personal cheerleader for clarifying your purpose and problem-solving in a confidential setting. Working with a coach, especially during a challenging time, can be the catalyst for change that you may need for lasting positive results.
When we are met with uncertainty, it is easy to respond from a place of alarm. But in these times, you may also see an obvious need to pivot to carry out your goals. Perhaps you have experienced job loss or find yourself not wanting to return to the office. If this is the case, then you may need to find some other help.
Only some people feel they NEED life coaching, but it’s beneficial for most people. It can be compared to having a fitness trainer. You can get results on your own with a fitness routine, but you will often get faster results with a coach.
If you need to accelerate the pace of change in your life, you should seriously consider coaching as a necessity for you.
At Bauman Consulting Group, we supply both individual and group coaching to help people achieve their personal and professional goals. Find out more at
Ashley Bauman, M.S., M.B.A., B.C.C., is the founder and president of Bauman Consulting Group. She is a board-certified coach, experienced public and social sector consultant, and renowned trainer and workshop leader.