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Team Development

Whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert, prefer working alone vs in a large group, or consider yourself a follower and not a leader, the chances are that you have been part of a team at some point. Between school, family, sports, and now work which can even include being on a global remote team at times. 

With all the various types of teams we end up on in life, the question isn’t whether or not we want to be on the team but rather how to be on the team. Enter: team building. Team building isn’t just trust falls and introducing yourself with 2 truths and a lie. Team building is taking time to really understand your own individual role and how the team operates as a whole with everyone’s strengths and weaknesses. 

 Let’s start by looking at the individual. Do you know how you are on a team? What are your strengths and weaknesses? What are you comfortable performing for the team? Identifying these things in yourself, through self-reflection and the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, can help gain an understanding of everyone that makes up the team. 

 Next, it is important to take a look at the team as a whole. What are the team dynamics? How does the team communicate and handle conflict? These are important things to know when trying to build a team or examine a team. The Team Emotional and Social Intelligence Survey 2.0can help with this. 

Third, examine the functioning of the team as a group. Perhaps your team is falling into some of the common traps that teams can fall into - also known as the Five Dysfunctions. You can take proactive steps to address these dysfunctions and create a more effective team.

 Finally, get the team together for a retreat! Taking a day, a weekend, or a week to go away with your team and focus on one another can help build team morale and work through conflict. While you might initially be frustrated with having to spend even more time with those you work with, the long-term benefits of connecting with the team outside the office quickly outweigh the annoyance. 


Interested in focusing on your team? At Bauman Consulting Group, LLC we offer workshops to help your company with their team development. Please contact us with any questions and for further details!

Team Development with the MBTI

Participants in this workshop will have the opportunity to discuss effective team dynamics; explore their Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) results; identify the ways each Type relates to the six core team issues (communication, culture, leadership, change, conflict resolution, and stress); and practice ways to make their multi-type teams function more effectively. This workshop is held over 2 days for a total of 15 hours and can accommodate 6 to 24 participants.

Team Development with the TESI 2.0

Participants in this workshop will have the opportunity to discuss effective team dynamics; explore 360 team feedback on the seven critical competencies for emotionally effective teamwork using the Team Emotional and Social Intelligence Survey 2.0 (TESI 2.0); and practice ways to make their teams function more effectively through stress management, conflict resolution, communication enhancement, and beyond! This workshop is held over 2 days for a total of 15 hours and can accommodate 6 to 24 participants.

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Workshop for Teams

Participants in this workshop will have the opportunity to discuss effective team dynamics; explore Lencioni’s Five Dysfunctions of a Team, and practice ways to make their teams function more effectively. This workshop is held over 2 days for a total of 16 hours and can accommodate 6 to 12 participants.

Team Retreats

Taking time to connect as a team is an often-overlooked element of success. These occasions can be organized for workgroups, clubs, networks - any group wishing to build a greater sense of community and purpose. At a carefully planned retreat, groups have the opportunity to reconnect, celebrate successes, plan for the future, and build powerful relationships with one another. Onsite at your home base or away in a stress-free environment, investing in your success will leave your team energized, motivated, and refreshed.