Stay Focused When Working from Home
Regardless of where you work, there are distractions. At the job site, there are co-workers, outside stimuli, and different conversations. On the other hand, working at home can present challenges with structure and self-discipline. Whatever your situation, it can be challenging to stay productive throughout your workday. Here are some tips to help you stay focused at home.
Schedule and Structure Your Day
Start with the time of day when you know you are the most productive, then establish your work hours around those times. That means setting boundaries with yourself and your work and then sticking to them. Some of us are morning people and some prefer a later start to the day, so use this information about yourself to schedule your most important tasks during the right times for you. Use your calendar as a visual reminder of your to-do list and prioritize items by blocking time. Creating this structure is critical to staying focused while working from home.
Limit Outside Distraction
Checking into every “ding” from your phone or notification from online news sources will have you constantly shifting gears and getting off task. Instead, try setting a timer on your device to check in every 60-90 minutes, then put it to “Do Not Disturb.” It can also be helpful to block sites on your computer that are sending pop-ups. It is easy to lose time and start clicking away, especially when sites constantly push alerts to you. These tricks will help you use your time wisely and act as a reminder to stay off your phone!
It is also important to get friends and family onboard, so let them know that you do not have a lot of time for socializing. Instead, chat with them briefly and get back on track. Or meet up with them during a scheduled break but be sure to work the actual hours you have dedicated to your job.
Take Breaks to Stay Alert
Find out how often you need to take a break to stay productive, and then schedule them on your calendar. Work for your breaks and plan what you will do for maximum impact. For example, you can get in a workout, walk the dog, sit outside for coffee, or cook a healthy lunch. Staying active throughout the day and taking scheduled breaks will keep your brain sharp.
There are distractions everywhere. Staying focused during work from home can be difficult, but you can be more effective with a bit of extra structure and planning. Incorporate these tips and see how much more you can get done during the day.
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